A Recipe Challenge!

February 1, 2008

It is time for a recipe challenge! If you have a recipe that you would like to submit to me please send it to solitaryrefinement@gmail.com. I will document my attempt at cooking/baking your recipe and post the results here. Your recipe will be judged on the following. 

  1. Cost – This will only include the price of the ingredients I have to purchase. If it is a standard ingredient (salt, pepper, oil, etc.) it will not be included in the final cost.
  2. Difficulty – The easier the better! Remember I am a simple bachelor with a small kitchen.
  3. Leftovers – The longer the meal lasts the better. I will also look at how well the leftovers freeze if there are any.
  4. Taste – This is my favorite category! Anyone can buy food for cheep that tastes terrible. I am very open minded and will try anything (except monkey brains). So pick a recipe that you think has a great taste.

I would like to start cooking in about a week, so you have time to go and find your favorite recipe! What will the winning recipe receive from me? This is a hard one. If you are here in savannah, I will buy you a few drinks at a place of your choice. If you are not from around here, name your price! Maybe an Amazon.com gift card? Anyway, have fun with this, I know I will!

Good Luck!!!

3 Responses to “A Recipe Challenge!”

  1. solitaryrefinement said

    Carla – Are you going to submit a recipe? I have only received a couple so far. I am going to start cooking Saturday, so there is still plenty of time to find a good one.

  2. solitaryrefinement said

    I was looking at the traffic for my blog today and noticed someone visited by searching for “brains recipe” on a search engine! Thats great! Must have come from this post.

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